Monday, March 5, 2012


So today I had my last appointment for my ankle, YAY, and everything looks really good. We are looking forward to getting on with our lives. Kirk is still going to school for Machining and is really enjoying it. He's working at Settler's Landings as a maintaince worker still. He's looking forward to the warm weather so he doesn't have to work in the cold. We are enjoying our new nephew that is growing every day. We are still living at Holley's apartments and are still looking for homes. Hopefully it doesn't take to long! Well we'll keep you updated sorry it takes so long.

Monday, August 15, 2011


So yesterday Kirk and I found out that his 19 year old niece has a brain tumor that is too large to take out. She has been having problems for a couple of months now but just found out why last Wednesday. She had to spend the night in the hospital Wednesday when they took some tissues to find out if it is cancerous or not. She is such a beautiful women inside and out and she deserves the best. We love Macey and want her to come out from this as healthy as possible so as her family we are asking for your prayers so that she can have good news.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Walking Again

So after 8 months of not being able to walk I am able to walk with a walking boot. It is such a blessing to be healing correctly and still having the ability to walk. As me and my mom were walking out of the hospital we had a good laugh at how I have forgotten how to even just put one foot in front of the other. LOL. I have that strange mix of feelings that is happy and scared to death at the same time. I'm happy that I can walk again but at the same time just plain scared I just might hurt it again. With those feelings I do know that God has a plan for me and its weird to say but I wouldn't change what I've learned through this horrible time. My mom and I are closer then we have ever been and I have loved the talks, funny times, and even the good cries we've had over everything. We never know what will come of our trials but if we bare them well we will endure and come stronger and better people from them. Thanks for everyone that has helped me through this difficult trial. Most of all my very loving and supportive husband that I wouldn't have made it through without, thanks and I LOVE LOVE LOVE you!!!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

For Time & All Eternity

We were sealed today in the Mount Timpanogos Temple!

Our Family & Friends

Me, Kirk, & Kirk's Mom

My entire family

Kirk & I


Kenzi, Me, and Jess

Monday, May 17, 2010


Mckenzie took these pictures and we love love love them!!! These are some of our favorites!!!! Thanks kenz!!

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt

So I have the best boyfriend EVER!! lol! He is doing an all week easter egg hunt for me. It started on Sunday night and goes all week. He so good to me.

Saturday, February 13, 2010


Now let's see if I can keep it updated! :)This is me and Kirk four wheeling at Farmington Canyon.